Tuesday, January 15, 2019

In transit.

We are here!!  We left Mukilteo at high noon on Sunday and landed in Queenstown New Zealand yesterday almost a full 24 hours later. A long trip with many movies, part of a book, and too many airplane and airport meals. I'm glad it's 5 weeks until we do the return run.

Before we left the NW, we solved an escape room challenge with Chris and family and returned to one of our favorite walks at Ebey's Landing on Whidbey Island. New Zealand will have its work cut out to beat this view of the Olympic Mountains on a perfectly clear NW day.  Then it was a final gear check (the GoreTex is still doing its job) and we were ready,
We won the escape room challenge.

The Olympics from Ebey's Landing.

I know....maximum dorky.

It was sunrise when we landed in Auckland and clear blue skies in Queenstown. We took a short walk about in town and then opted for a cruise across Lake Wakapitu to a sheep ranch where we had a truly gourmet bar-b-q on the veranda. Maybe it was too much airplane food, but I thought it was some of the best lamb I've had..ever.
Auckland Airport.

First beer - blue skies over Queenstown.

Steaming across Lake Wakapitu.

A demonstration of sheep shearing....

....then lunch!!

A nice way to spend our first day. Tomorrow,  some exercise.


  1. I'll never go to New Zealand again without my noise cancelling head phones.
    What a great place to visit especially in their summer.
